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Murphy Financial Services, Inc.

email: info@murphyea.com
tel.  414.453.8655
fax 414.453.6396


Murphy Financial Services provides personalized service to each client. Since 1981, we have demonstrated our knowledge and expertise by providing a complete line of tax and accounting services for individuals and businesses. With our broad range of experience we can customize our service to fit a client’s specific situation.

Our staff is dedicated to meet and exceed the needs of our clients. We strive to provide them with the pertinent information needed to make informed decisions. Our goal is to help them make the most effective use of their financial resources.

We’re also dedicated to Continuing Education. With our knowledge of the latest tax laws and financial regulations, clients can be assured they will receive the best professional care for all tax and accounting needs.

Our client base grows each year, not because of advertising. But because our clients are our biggest advertisers and continue to tell others, "Murphy Financial Services will not only design services to fit your need, but will also be there when you need them."

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