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Murphy Financial Services, Inc.

tel.  414.453.8655
fax 414.453.6396


Accounting Services
Tax Planning & Preparation
Payroll Services
QuickBooks Training
Accounting Trouble Shooting
Starting a New Business
Informative Newsletters
Compilation Reports


If you know a company whose books are a mess, we are the people to call. We have years of experience straightening our clients’ records.

We have worked with firms that moved locations and their records were in three different countries...Companies in multiple locations in the United States….Businesses using consignment accounts for sales of their gooda...And firms that just needed a skilled and organized someone to come in and analyze and correct their records so they had an accurate portrayal of their financial standing.

Once your records are fixed, we can give you guidelines to help keep your accounting records accurate, and to structure duties to reduce the risk of future errors.

We are also available to review your accounting on an ongoing basis to make sure you have accurate records on which to base your decisions.

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